Bring Your Bold Vision Into Reality

Hone Your Compelling Strategy & Gain Alignment

Hungry to turn your big ideas into a cohesive, compelling vision?  Do you have too many priorities and too few resources?  Ready for a strategic plan that helps align your team with resources that garner results instead of dust?

Foster a Healthier Culture & Higher Impact Team

Tired of unproductive meetings?  Is fear of conflict preventing robust dialogue to surface the best ideas and solutions? Are personality dynamics getting in the way of achieving results?

Re-Energize & Retain Your Talent

Need more buy-in & ownership from your team? At risk of losing momentum due to complacency, burnout, or turnover of talent? Want to unlock the full force of your talent and leadership?

Be Better Leaders Without Burn Out

Could you & your team benefit from an infusion of fresh, objective insight and expertise?  Want a tenacious & loyal thought partner to support and challenge you to be a better leader?

Clients We Worked With

Holistic Support

We provide comprehensive support, offering guidance not just in tackling immediate challenges, but in nurturing long-term leadership growth. From honing strategy to gaining fresh perspectives, our services are tailored to ensure leaders feel re-energized and supported at every step.

Transformational Insights

We understand that effective leadership isn't just about managing tasks—it's about inspiring transformation. Pro Agile equips leaders with the insights and tools needed to not only navigate the present but to shape the future, fostering tenacity and innovation within their teams.

Personalized Approach

No two leadership journeys are alike. That's why Pro Agile takes a personalized approach to every client. Through consultations and ongoing support, we strive to understand each leader's unique challenges and aspirations, ensuring they receive tailored guidance that resonates deeply.

Andie Truss

We were looking for a strong facilitator to lead our nonprofit in updating our strategic plan. Several board members did not see the need to get an outside facilitator, but after the session, everyone was very happy with Alex's work. She was able to facilitate a group to come together (physicians, MBAs, and public health professionals) to make very hard decisions about the future of the organization and really help everyone come to consensus after very thoughtful planning sessions. We were extremely grateful for her approach and for really taking the time to learn about the organisation beforehand. I would strongly recommend her for anyone looking for a strong facilitator and community leader.

Jan 14, 2024
Brenda Moore

Alex is a force of nature. Her passion, intelligence, and strategic vision are unparalleled in youth advocacy. Clarity, intentionality, and grace are signature skills for Alex. I have loved working for her, with her, and because of her. I highly recommend her for any effort she might choose to take on.

Dec 16, 2023
Josephine Crudell

Alex's ability to facilitate a group's vision is outstanding and empowering. I highly recommend Alex when working on strategic planning for any organisation.

Feb 29, 2024